Si la soirée électorale vous "Saoule" je vous recommande un peu de lecture nocturne sur le DSM
En tout cas les gens de Stanford sont clairement "PRO-DSM"
Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM) is already in use
while opening new vistas of heretofore unforeseen high data
rates for DSL use. Unbundling does not prevent the use of DSM and indeed many Level 2 and Level 3 DSM gains are
possible within any regulatory situation if the equipment and
management are well conceived and designed to open
standardized interfaces with service-provider management.
Speeds to as high as 500 Mbps (35 MHz times x 15 bits/Hz)
per user line become foreseeably feasible with vectored DSLs
(and up to twice this rate or 1 Gbps using split-pair cross-overs
on up to ½ the lines in a binder) at lengths of 300-400 meters.
Such speeds within a cable of 200 lines add to 100 Gbps of
possibly shared capacity for fiber-to-the-curb DSL systems,
eliminating the need for fiber to traverse the last, most costly
segment to each customer and generally well-exceeding the
offered and projected speeds supplied by the much more
expensive passive optical approaches. Thus, DSL capabilities,
through the grace of DSM, may well extend throughout this
new millennium.
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