28 mars 2006

"FT lab tests VDSL2: the world is not watching"

Au détour de lectures sur "L"internet convivial" je viens de tomber sur cet excellent article en anglais qui résume bien le situation du VDSL2 chez France Telecom.
L'article n'est pas très frais (Septembre 2005) mais il vaut le détour !

Extrait :
"Why does the French incumbent find
it so important to take a lead in testing new technologies, while
relying on the national regulator to preserve its right to deploy

You have to love the French.

Last week, France Telecom drew on its reserves of understatement to
declare a ‘world first’: “laboratory testing of VDSL2 transmission
systems with speeds of up to 100Mbps on standard copper lines.” Over
the past two decades, French research sites such as Lannion and
Issy-les-Molineaux have become the telcom equivalents of
Kittyhawk or Cape Canaveral: revered, unchallenged – and not always as
useful as they are made out to be."

Source : www.telecomredux.com

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